Tuesday, May 27, 2014

16-inch Tenon Saw

It's been some time since I put up my last post.  I didn't spend much time in the shop over the winter (or the spring) but I did manage to complete another saw.  I cut a couple of practice tenons with it and was pleased with the way it cut and followed a line.

This one is a 16-inch tenon/sash saw with 10 ppi filed rip.  It has 3-1/2 inches of plate under the back at the toe and about 3-13/16 at the heel.  The handle is black walnut with home made steel bolts and split nuts.  The back is folded steel like my dovetail saw only this one is about 7/8 inch tall after folding.


The last of the walnut from a donated 5/4 plank.

Sunflower engraved on the large bolt.

Clocking the nuts.


  1. Wow, stunning results Mike great handle design, home made nuts and bolts too!? Do you sell the fruits of your labour?

    1. Thanks, I wanted to make all the parts myself. The handle design came from http://blackburntools.com/articles/index.html
      Lots of good information on that page.
      I'm afraid I'm not making products to sell. I just do this as a hobby and my bucket list of projects is really long :)
